7 Natural Remedies For Home Treatment Of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

After a diagnosis from a doctor, the pain and discomfort caused by carpal tunnel syndrome can also be relieved at home with certain natural treatments.
7 natural remedies for home treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome

In this article, we want to share a few effective but gentle tips for home treatment for inflammation caused by carpal tunnel syndrome. With the help of natural ingredients such as southern narcissus, turmeric and clay, the symptoms of this nasty ailment can also be alleviated completely without medication.

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a disorder that affects the central nerve in the wrist, which can, in the worst case, endanger the movement and sensation of the whole hand. Inflammation caused by the syndrome manifests itself in the inflamed area as pain, tingling, and a feeling of helplessness, among other things. Moving your wrist can also cause difficulties.

1. Gel made from southern narcissus

The gel made from southern narcissus effectively relieves the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome

One of the most practical natural products for local targeted treatment of an inflammatory condition caused by carpal tunnel syndrome is southern narcissus. This yellow leaf flower is especially known for its anti-inflammatory properties. For this reason, gels and creams made from southern narcissus are an ideal alternative for the treatment of almost all types of skin and tissue injuries.

Antarctica is a widely used natural treatment among athletes, for example, especially when substitution treatment is sought for traditional NSAIDs. The popularity has also led to the fact that today we can find on the shelves of health shops a number of different products, such as gels, creams, oils and dyes, the raw material of which is specifically Southern narcissus.

2. Natural treatment made from turmeric, black pepper and olive oil

The combination of turmeric, black pepper and olive oil has become an increasingly popular natural remedy for home treatment of many types of inflammation and pain. To achieve the best possible result, this natural treatment made from ground turmeric root, black pepper and extra virgin olive oil should be enjoyed at the same time both internally and externally.


  • 3 teaspoons ground turmeric root
  • 3 teaspoons ground black pepper
  • 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil

Instructions for manufacture and use

  • Mix all the ingredients together.
  • As an internal treatment, enjoy the mixture with a teaspoon daily, always half an hour before meals.
  • As an external treatment, apply the mixture directly to the inflamed area.

3. Gypsum made of clay

Clay is one of the oldest natural anti-inflammatory treatments. Best of all, it is very easy to apply directly to the inflamed area. However, we remind you that plastic or metal containers should not be used at all when handling clay, as these ingredients can impair the healing properties of the clay.

The clay has anti-inflammatory and remineralizing properties. In other words, clay both helps relieve the pain caused by carpal tunnel syndrome and provides the body with large amounts of nutrients that help accelerate the healing and regeneration of inflamed tissue.

4. Avocado oil

The nutrients contained in avocado effectively moisturize the skin and hair

Avocado oil has a wide range of anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and moisturizing properties, as this delicious green fruit is rich in vitamins and other important nutrients for the body. In this sense, avocado oil can thus be used topically both for the treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome and for nourishing and moisturizing the hair and skin. 

For best results, it is advisable to rub this oil directly on the inflamed area with light heating. You can just as well use the center of the avocado, i.e. the seed itself, to apply the oil and massage the inflamed area.

5. Aloe Vera gel

Aloe Vera is a perfect natural treatment for every ailment, as the jelly gel extracted from the long and narrow leaves of this plant is a very effective aid in the treatment of inflammations, burns, ulcers, swelling and many other skin problems. 

  • For home treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome, either pure aloe Vera gel can be used or, if desired, you can combine it with, for example, one of the above-mentioned ingredients, such as southern arnica or avocado oil. In this way, the effectiveness of the raw materials used to relieve inflammation is only multiplied.
  • You can extract the gel either directly from the plant or obtain it from the store ready-made. In this case, however, make sure that aloe Vera is produced as organically as possible.

6. Chamomile bath

Chamomile is one of those natural treatments that can already be found in almost everyone’s home kitchen. The versatile health properties of this flower include relieving pain and inflammatory conditions gently but effectively.

  • Making a chamomile bath is simple; all you have to do is brew a strong tea from chamomile, so you can apply it chilled directly to the inflamed area, for example with a clean gauze or towel.
  • Alternatively, you can also mix chamomile essential oil with, for example, the above-mentioned aloe Vera gel or avocado oil.

7. Gypsum made from cabbage

Finally, we present the following natural medicine, which, in addition to its simplicity, is still a very affordable alternative to home treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome; for this treatment you only need cabbage leaves! The healing properties of cabbage lie precisely in its leaves, as they have effective anti-inflammatory health effects. Indeed, cabbage has been used since ancient times for the local treatment of many pain and inflammatory conditions.


  • You can boil the cabbage leaves in boiling water for a few seconds or crush the leaves lightly with a knife enough to release the nutrients from the leaves properly.
  • Apply the leaves directly to the inflamed area.
  • To remove excess moisture, wrap a little gauze or a piece of cloth over the cabbage leaves.
  • Leave on for about half an hour.
  • Repeat the treatment 2-3 times a day until you feel relief.

As you can see, the above-mentioned natural treatments to relieve the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome are quite simple and inexpensive. So if you suffer from the nasty pain and discomfort of this syndrome, we recommend trying these treatments even today!

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