6 Natural Products For Cleaning Grease From Kitchen Hobs

If cleaning your kitchen, and worktops in particular, always feels stressful, these tips will help you. Say goodbye to annoying grease stains by using natural and safe products that you are sure to already find in your home.
6 natural products for cleaning grease from kitchen hobs

There are always traces of cooking in the kitchen. Look at the worktops though: they are almost always stained with food. Today we share the best tips for cleaning grease from kitchen countertops – completely naturally!

Cooking your favorite meals is a nice thing to do, because in addition to relaxing, it also pampers your taste buds. However, this pleasure turns into an annoyance soon after cooking when it’s time to clean the kitchen.

This also happens to those who follow a completely healthy diet. Vegetables, meats, fruits, etc. also leave grease stains on kitchen countertops. 

You no longer have to worry about this, as there are some natural products that clean grease stains from kitchen countertops very effectively. Below we share a list of the best of them.

Natural products for cleaning grease from kitchen hobs

best tips for cleaning grease from the kitchen

The material used to make kitchen countertops has a lot to do with which natural degreaser you should use. The most important thing is to try to keep the worktops in good condition by all means.

1. Baking soda

We have already talked about the effectiveness of baking soda in disinfecting and cleaning many to tell.

You can use baking soda mixed with water to clean stone surfaces. Just put a teaspoon of baking soda in a couple of deces of water and say goodbye to grease stains.

2. Vaseline and vinegar

This amazing combination restores the shine of kitchen countertops made of marble, granite and stone. Just mix half a teaspoon of Vaseline in a bowl with a tablespoon of vinegar and add a little water to dilute the mixture.

Then wash the kitchen worktops with this mixture with kitchen paper. Surfaces start to shine quickly.

3. Neutral soap

liquid soap

This product is easy to make at home and is very useful in degreasing. It is perfect for washing granite and marble countertops as it keeps them looking bright.

Mix neutral soap with hot water and use a soft sponge to clean the dirty surface.

4. Lemon in marble cleaning

If your problem is grease-stained marble countertops, lemon will clean them in an instant. Squeeze half a lemon into a glass of warm water and add a teaspoon of alcohol or hydrogen peroxide. Clean the greasy surface with kitchen paper moistened with the solution.

5. Vinegar and water for daily cleaning

vinegar to clean grease

We know that many people do not scrub greasy countertops to a shiny clean finish every day. For this reason, an effective detergent suitable for daily use is convenient.

You can make one yourself from vinegar and water. Then use a cotton swab to clean the worktops with this solution. This prevents the accumulation of dirt and dust. It’s a quick and easy solution that can be made from ingredients found at home.

6. Last resort: soap and water

This option is warmly recommended for wooden kitchen countertops. It is true that soap is not a natural product, but it is needed by wooden countertops. The other substances mentioned in this article may be too corrosive to sensitive wood.

In fact, when cleaning wood, you should not water your sponge very much either. Moisten it only as much as you need to remove dirt and grease as quickly as possible. The faster you clean, the less it will damage the wood.

As you can see, these natural products are enough to remove grease stains from kitchen countertops and keep them shiny clean. Now you can safely focus on preparing delicious meals for your family.

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