5 Ways To Increase Iron In The Blood

In order to increase the amount of iron in your blood, you may want to avoid certain food combinations that make it more difficult for your body to absorb iron. In contrast, you should eat more food combinations that facilitate this process.
5 ways to add iron in the blood

Iron is a trace element that is a vital factor in the formation of hemoglobin,  as well as red blood cells. Therefore, the right level of iron in the blood is essential for the healthy functioning of the body. When the amount of iron is low, the tissues do not get enough oxygen, which causes weakness, exhaustion and anemia. If your doctor has told you that you have iron deficiency in your body, take the following advice to help you increase the amount of iron in your blood.

5 ways to add iron in the blood

1. Eat foods that are high in iron

One way to add iron to your blood is to eat meat of animal origin.

In order to keep your blood iron levels good, it is important to eat a balanced and healthy diet. The main reason for low iron levels is poor nutrition. Because iron is a mineral, it is obtained naturally from foods, both of plant and animal origin.

  • The iron in foods of animal origin is the type that is more easily absorbed by the body. The main source is meat, and especially red meat.
  • Iron in vegetables, on the other hand, is absorbed more slowly, but it is just as good for human health. The best such products are legumes, leafy green vegetables and nuts.

2. Increase your vitamin C intake

For iron to be well absorbed into your body, it must be converted to ferritin. This process is done with the help of stomach fluids. They should contain hydrochloric acid and vitamin C. That’s why you should add acidic and vitamin C-rich products to your diet – for example, you can start enjoying lemons, oranges, broccoli and peppers, all of which are great choices for this purpose.

Note, however, that while vitamin C is an important factor in human resistance, too much of it can cause folic acid deficiency. It is therefore best to take a maximum of two citrus fruits a day.

3. Foods that prevent iron

The calcium in milk prevents the absorption of iron.

Just as there are foods that cause iron levels to rise, there are some that should be avoided.

These include the following products:

  • Egg:  The protein in this product prevents the body from absorbing plant iron.
  • Milk: The  calcium contained in dairy products prevents the absorption of iron of animal and vegetable origin if it is obtained in excess of 300 mg per day.
  • Tea: The  oxalate contained in tea affects the absorption of plant-derived iron. Therefore, it is not recommended that tea be consumed with foods that are high in iron.
  • Chocolate and coffee: Phenolic compounds inhibit the absorption of plant-derived iron.
  • Nuts : The phytates contained in these and other seeds act as potent iron inhibitors and can reduce its absorption by 50-65%.

Therefore, if your doctor has diagnosed you with anemia or iron deficiency, avoid these foods as much as possible.

4. Iron supplements

If you are pregnant, it is recommended that you take iron as a nutritional supplement to cover the energy needs that a growing fetus and you need. Iron is an important factor in a child’s development.

  • Depending on what your iron level is now, consult your doctor before using any nutritional supplement to increase your iron levels.
  • However, supplements are not necessary in all cases, and not  all supplements are suitable for everyone.

If you have been diagnosed with iron deficiency and if you find out after a few months that you are pregnant, tell your doctor so that she can have a blood test. This will help you determine if you need to make some changes to your diet.

5. Avoid large amounts of fiber

Excessive fiber intake should be avoided.

One way to increase the amount of iron in your blood is to avoid excessive fiber intake. Nutrient fiber works in several important ways in your body, for example, it regulates digestion, helps lower cholesterol in the blood, and provides protection against some chronic diseases, such as colon tumors.

While fiber intake is important, too much can be a bad thing when blood iron levels are low.

  • Because fiber is a laxative,  iron passes through the digestive system faster.
  • This means that less iron is absorbed.

Salads that you can use to add iron to your blood

While our tips are fairly simple, they are a good help if you don’t know where to start to raise blood iron levels. Also try the following salad, and  modify the recipe to your liking!

Necessary ingredients

  • Steak or other red meat (150 g)
  • 1 cup raw arugula rinsed (100 g)
  • 1 cup raw spinach rinsed (100 g)
  • Chopped grapefruit without peel and seeds.
  • Salt and freshly ground pepper to taste

This is how this meal is prepared

  • Season the steak or other red meat and grill it.
  • Cut the grilled meat into small pieces.
  • Combine meat, vegetables and grapefruit in a bowl.
  • Season with a little salt and freshly ground pepper, and enjoy your serving right away.

Do you know of any other recipe that is a great help to increase the amount of iron? What do you think about your own iron intake – would it be necessary to increase its amount, or is your level already adequate?

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