5 Tips To Curb Excessive Coffee Drinking

If you want to stop drinking coffee too much, it is important not to replace it with another evil. On the contrary, you should learn some methods to be able to live a healthy way without it.
5 tips to curb excessive coffee drinking

A morning cup of coffee is a very common habit. It is a drink that makes us feel relaxed and wakes us up because of its caffeine content, which in turn causes overactivity. One or two cups a day is the right amount, and the problem arises when we drink too much of it. Want to know what can be done to curb excessive coffee drinking?

coffee beans and coffee cup

Almost anything you can enjoy in moderation, but once you’re used to enjoying something too much, it’s hard to stop it. The body builds tolerance to the substance. In that case, you want it more and more so that it has a similar effect as before.

Excessive coffee drinking increases body activity. It can cause anxiety, nervous system problems, and heart arrhythmias. It can therefore lead to many health problems.

There are cases where the human nervous system does not function the way it should. It can affect sleep, mood and in some cases it can even cause restless legs syndrome, also known as Willis-Ekbom disease. This syndrome is neurological and causes the legs to move because they feel like they are stinging or burning.

In addition, coffee also contains kafestol, which raises so-called “bad cholesterol” (LDL) in the blood.

Unfortunately, stopping drinking coffee completely at once can cause withdrawal symptoms such as headaches, mood swings, or fatigue. In this article, we will tell you how you can stop drinking excessive coffee in a healthy way.

How to stop excessive coffee drinking

Try some of these tips to curb excessive coffee drinking.

1. Gradually reduce the amount

First, you should slowly reduce the number of cups you drink each day. If you drink five cups a day, reduce it to four for a few days, then to three, and so on.

This way, you won’t get withdrawal symptoms or feel anxiety because your body doesn’t need as many cups a day. One or two cups is enough to give you energy and keep you happy.

2. Combine it with milk

This is a good way to stop drinking this strong substance excessively. If you keep drinking it from the same cup and make it less strong, you will get less caffeine from it.

If you have lactose intolerance, use water or milk substitutes instead. The idea is to reduce the amount of caffeine, so this is a good way to do it.

3. Try decaffeinated beverages

Replace decaffeinated coffee with decaffeinated. While decaffeination can raise cholesterol, stop drinking caffeine, which makes coffee so addictive.

Once you have removed the addictive ingredient from your life, it will be easier for you to stop or reduce the dosage. Don’t worry about the taste of decaffeinated coffee, as it tastes almost the same as regular coffee.

4. Replace the coffee with something else

When taking a break from work, replace a cup of coffee with fruit, juice, decaffeinated tea, or some other healthy snack.

For example, try an apple to see better results. However, you will definitely be surprised when it becomes clear to you that water is actually the best substitute.

When you feel like you need coffee, you should immediately enjoy something healthier. You must consciously see the effort to do it, and not replace it with another evil.

5. Take a nap

strategies to curb excessive coffee consumption

If you drink coffee to stay awake, it is best to take a 15-25 minute nap to recover. The results are actually better. Even if coffee keeps you awake, it won’t help you focus or make you feel very rested.

Don’t deny your body the rest it deserves.  Remember that inadequate sleep causes fatigue and other illnesses.

In addition, it is important to keep headache medications at hand when you are trying to stop drinking excessive coffee. It is very common to suffer from migraines for the first few days.

Recent recommendations

However, you should not enjoy caffeinated tea to wean yourself from coffee. While it is healthier, it is also addictive as it contains theanine. In fact, this substance is as strong as caffeine.

We recommend that you sleep at least 7-8 hours a day so that your body can rest and get energy for the next day. This way, you stay active during the day without being addicted to substances that keep you awake and alert.

Adherence to a balanced diet is also important to avoid excessive coffee consumption. Eating a snack in the morning or afternoon will help prevent the stress and anxiety that usually makes you crave a cup of coffee.

Hydration is also important for the internal organs to function properly. So you should drink about 6-8 glasses of water a day.

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