5 Important Pillars Of A Woman’s Integration

We need to be able to understand every cycle of life in order to enjoy them and live them to the fullest. We must accept all changes in our bodies and take advantage of every moment to understand what true integration as a woman is.
The 5 important pillars of a woman's integration

The unity of a woman means finding and holding firmly to our strengths, an important connection between all of us, and growing free, straightforward and, above all, happy. In this article, we’ll cover the five important pillars of a woman’s integration – so keep reading!

As you already know, life sometimes leaves a lot of internal wounds behind. We carry them as invisible weights that are not visible to the outside. They stay with us every day, we almost don’t even realize it, and they can even make us sick.

Women have gradually begun to gain more power in society and more often have access to public spaces that some time ago were still entirely owned by men. But there are still things that have not changed.

In today’s world, women have access to numerous professions, but discrimination still exists and is reflected in clear ways (e.g. pay gaps, difficulties in getting promotions, negotiation problems). And on top of all this, women often still have responsibility for the family: home, children, and caring for older family members.

All of this means that we may sometimes forget ourselves. We forget about integration as women.

Today, we invite you to look at these pillars of integration so you can reflect on them a bit.

Key factors in a woman’s mental integrity

Pillars of Female Spiritual Integrity - Understand Your Cycles.

1. Understand your cycles

Life usually consists of stages and cycles, and we must face and accept the fact that it is emphasized for women.

  • A woman’s body is dominated by a period that lasts essentially throughout her menstrual cycles. Later, the woman enters a new important stage: menopause.
  • Remember that every body is different and every woman has her own challenges that she needs to understand.
  • Some women have painful periods; in others, menopause begins early.
  • Outside of the menstrual cycle, we also have to face the stages of our own lives. Our youth is a wonderful stage during which we sometimes make mistakes.
  • As we reach adulthood, we enter a new phase in which we must live to the fullest, in good health and accepting the passage of time, but also enjoying this phase in which we must fight for new goals in order to be equal or happier.
Female integration and circulation.

2. Maintain an intuitive connection to your needs and the things around you

Intuition is the voice coming from consciousness and the indirect wisdom you have acquired from the things you have learned and your “persecutions”. You should always try to understand them. Sometimes women themselves “turn off” this intuitive voice because they are so focused on other people, responsibility, and external pressures.

In order to be united as a woman, you need to be able to listen to yourself, take care of your needs, and be intuitive about everything around you.

3. You are a whole person

A woman who sees herself as an imperfect half, who needs a partner to give meaning to her life and find happiness, is greatly mistaken.

  • Anyone who puts their own happiness on another person has lost control of their own life. This is not right.
  • We are mature individuals with the ability to be happy on their own. We have the power to fight for the things and needs we want.
  • Love may surprise you at unexpected times, but that doesn’t mean you have to obsessively look for “that right” to be happy.

First become the person you want to be, then you are the best company for yourself.

4. Take care of your life every day, even though others may call you selfish

At some point in your life, the following thing has certainly happened to you: you are so tired of everything around you that you have to take an afternoon off. When a family member or friend asks you to go somewhere and you refuse, they get angry. There are also nasty situations where you have to put a point right at the start because someone else is hurting you.

Whenever you take this step and free yourself from certain situations, someone might call you selfish because you were just thinking about yourself.

Do not care about them. Such words and criticism are just malicious roar. No one is selfish in taking care of themselves, setting boundaries to protect themselves, and being their own self or a puppet manipulated by others.

Women should be supportive of each other.

5. Repair the broken pieces

To be united as a woman, you need to fix the broken pieces inside you: failures, rejections, disappointments…

If you don’t, you will accumulate so much emptiness within you that you will stop loving life, and even worse: you will stop loving yourself. Instead, you become again dependent on the things around you as you build your happiness.

So heal those inner wounds by dreaming about new things and boldly walking new paths. Those broken pieces need a stronger wire to stay together, and you’ll find it with perseverance. This is a wonderful part of a woman’s integration that we all have.

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