5 Exercises To Reduce Breasts

Only women who have experienced the horrible back pain caused by large breasts and the uncomfortable movement of very large breasts know how uncomfortable it can be. In today’s article, we’ll look at exercises to help you reduce the size of your breasts.
5 exercises to reduce breasts

Women’s breasts are often the subject of controversy and debate. On the other hand, there are women who would do anything to enlarge their breasts even a little, some are willing to do so even by resorting to surgery. And on the other hand, there are also women who don’t care what beauty magazines say – they just want to get rid of the extra “burden”. If you are one of the latter, check out these exercises to reduce your breasts!

Diet and exercise are key to this problem as well. You don’t have to resort to pills or massages that will scrap your economy. If your goal is to reduce the size of your breasts, the best way is to lose weight and develop muscles.

It is important to note that chest fat is subcutaneous fat, not the same kind of fat that accumulates around your abdomen, for example.

What does this mean? That means you have to work even harder to get rid of it!

The first step when you want to reduce the size of your breasts is to strengthen your chest muscles.

1. Aerobic exercise to reduce breasts

exercise to reduce breasts

Fat is the main fuel for aerobic exercise, so burning it is extremely effective with these forms of exercise – you will notice results very soon!

As you stick to the new exercise routines you set, your muscle development will be noticeable quickly.

2. Free dumbbells

This exercise will help you reduce your cup size while removing fat from your entire chest area. All you need are a few dumbbells and follow these instructions:

  • First, stand with your feet together and your back straight, look down at the floor.
  • Then take a deep breath while holding the weight in both hands.
  • Then raise your hand to the level of your hips.
  • Slowly raise both hands to chest level without bending your elbows.
  • Do four sets of ten repetitions.

3. Do push-ups

woman weighing

Weightlifting is essential when you want to tighten your mid-body muscles as well as remove excess adipose tissue. You can do push-ups anywhere and they are not difficult to implement. Follow these instructions:

  • First, lie on your stomach on the floor, looking down.
  • Then lean your palms against the floor, and support your weight with your hands and toes.
  • Then straighten your arms and place your palms on the floor in line with your chest.
  • Try to stay as straight as possible and maintain your posture.
  • Finally, straighten your arms, and push your hands against the floor to lift yourself up – then descend back down to the starting position.
  • Make three sets of 15 repetitions.

4. Bench presses

If you want a smaller and firmer chest, this exercise is just right for you. You can do it with an exercise ball or any light object you can use as a weight.

  • First, start by standing with your back straight and spreading your legs slightly to the crotch position.
  • Hold the ball (or the weight of your choice) in both hands – try to hold the weight about the height of your chest.
  • Raise your arms toward each other until you feel your pectoral muscles activate.
  • Hold the position for about five seconds.
  • Repeat ten times, and on the last repeat try to hold the position twice as long, i.e. about 10 seconds.

5. Ballerina arms

good posture

This movement is not only great for reducing breasts, but it will help shape your entire body as well as firm your muscles.

  • First, stand with your spine straight.
  • Bring your legs together and bend your chest slightly outward.
  • Be sure to keep your gaze straight ahead to avoid damaging your neck.
  • Straighten your other arm, and bend your back so that the ends of your fingers are above your head (in this position, you resemble a ballet dancer).
  • Return to starting position, and repeat the exercise ten times.
  • Then take a short rest break, and switch to the other arm. Repeat the same ten times.
  • Do three of these sets of ten repetitions with each arm.

Other recommendations

  • Do not eat too many fatty or sugary foods that increase body fat. 
  • It is better to increase the intake of fruits, vegetables and protein from food. They help keep hunger at bay.
  • Remember that diet and exercise always go hand in hand. If you try to lose weight with just one of them, you will not get the results you want. When you focus on both, you reduce the amount of adipose tissue, and you solidify and shape your muscles.

Are you ready to try these guidelines, and use the exercises we’ve introduced to reduce the size of your breasts?

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