4 Ways To Improve Your Body’s Ability To Burn Fat

Ketosis is a natural process in which your body burns the fat stored in it. The first requirement to start this fat burning is that you reduce your intake of carbohydrates from your diet. Read more, because in this article we will tell you more about that process!
4 ways to improve your body’s ability to burn fat

There are many ways you can improve your body’s ability to burn fat. One of these ways is to follow a ketogenic diet, and that means stopping eating carbs. The result is that you force your body to start a metabolic process called ketosis.

Ketosis forces your body to burn fat to create energy. This fat can either be the kind that is stored in your body, or it can come from the food you eat.

When this happens, your liver begins to produce ketone substances. These are responsible for bringing energy to your heart and brain.

4 ways to improve your body’s ability to burn fat

1. Reduce the amount of carbohydrates in your diet

The first step in improving your body’s ability to burn fat is to reduce your carbohydrate intake to a minimum. In this case, you should not eat more than 15-20 grams of carbohydrates a day.

This way, your body cannot use glucose or sugar as an energy source, and then your body goes into a different state where it gets the energy it needs to function from the fatty acid and the fats you have stored in your body.

Glycogen is glucose that is stored in the liver and muscles. In this process, glycogen ceases to be a reserve and instead begins to be the primary source of energy. Your body begins to use it to perform its daily tasks.

For the first few days, it is common to feel tired and in a bad mood. This is part of the way the body adapts to a lower amount of carbohydrates in its diet.

2. Include coconut oil in your diet if you want to improve your body’s ability to burn fat

To improve your body’s ability to burn fat, enjoy coconut oil.


Another of our recommendations for burning excess fat with ketosis is this: add coconut oil to your daily diet.

  • This oil contains fats called middle chain triglycerides and are quickly absorbed by the body.
  • Your liver converts these fats into ketones, which are a good source of energy.
  • In fact, this oil contains lauric acid, which is given to children with epilepsy. It helps to start ketosis without having to reduce the carbohydrate from the diet.

3. Add healthy fats to your daily diet

One way to burn excess fat is to include healthy fats in your diet on a regular basis, and these include the following products:

  • olive oil
  • avocado
  • coconut oil
  • butter

However, keep in mind that the amount of these products should be balanced, and if you want to lose weight, too much fat will cause you to increase your daily calories.

It is also important to remember that the fats you choose should be as natural as possible. This will help you reduce the amount of chemicals in your diet.

4. Increase the amount of protein

Prefer good protein sources.


It is important to maintain a moderately high protein intake if you want to burn excess fat.

This need is based on the fact that your liver gets its amino acids from protein processing in the digestive tract. These amino acids are essential for the production of glucose and for the conversion of ketones into available energy.

At the same time,  protein is a vital part of muscle when you lose weight. This is because through the process of burning excess fat, you may also lose your muscle mass.

The health benefits of ketosis

  • You will lose weight fast if the fat stored in your body is used as an energy source. However, this is not a very dramatic change compared to the result produced by a low carb diet.
  • It helps to better metabolize carbohydrates when they are then re-incorporated and gradually re-incorporated into the diet.
  • With ketosis, your body learns to use fats more efficiently. This effect may persist over time.
  • The ketosis diet produces a feeling of satisfaction. The anxiety that makes a person eat is reduced. This is because you include a greater amount of healthy fats in your daily diet.

Side effects of the ketosis diet

Burning fat may be something you are concerned about. However, it should be borne in mind that all diets have their own risks. While the ketosis diet is natural, and in fact it teaches you to eat well, it may also produce side effects due to the changes you have to make in your diet.

The most common side effects include:

  • Dizziness and headaches. This side effect may occur after the third day. This happens because your brain needs glucose to function. In addition, ketones may cause changes as they begin to act. The adjustment process may cause dizziness when you get up or move fast.
  • Bad breath or taste of metal in the mouth. It is common for a large amount of ketones in the body to cause extra fat to burn in this way.
  • Strong smelling urine. This is because the ketone is removed from your body in your urine.
  • Heavy sweating. As with urine, heavy sweating is one of the ways your body gets rid of ketones.
  • Calcium loss. There is a relationship between high protein intake and urinary calcium loss. This is because of the amount of acids needed to process the protein – the reason is that the balance of the bones is very sensitive to the balance of the body’s acid base. To avoid this problem, you should make sure that you eat  calcium in the form of a nutritional supplement.

The rights to the main image of the article are at wikiHow.com.

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