3 Ways To Make Broccoli

We’ll show you three ways to make broccoli so you can enjoy its delicious flavor in different recipes.
3 ways to prepare broccoli

People tend to prepare many dishes in the same usual way, according to the recipes they have learned. This also applies to broccoli. If a survey of broccoli preparation methods were conducted, the answers would certainly be similar and tedious. So it’s high time to learn new ways to make delicious broccoli!

How to make broccoli

Unfortunately, vegetables have a somewhat bad reputation. So at first, it may seem like broccoli doesn’t get any constille to taste, but it’s actually easier than you think. Broccoli can be delicious in many different ways, but these habits are certainly not familiar to many.

ways to prepare broccoli

The idea is to be able to combine different ingredients, which requires a bit of experimentation. Keep reading as you will find below three delicious ways to make broccoli.

Three ways to prepare broccoli

1. Broccoli-cheese gratin

This is a classic combination of taste. Cheese is the “secret” ingredient that goes perfectly with broccoli.

Also, any animal protein is a tasty addition to a recipe. It only takes a little experimentation to figure out what you like most about yourself.

you can prepare broccoli with seeds


  • 200 g of broccoli
  • 4 slices of bacon
  • 5 medium-sized eggs
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 tablespoon mustard
  • 5 dl flour
  • 200 g grated cheese
  • 2.5 dl of whole milk


  • Start cooking broccoli in a saucepan.
  • When the water boils, remove the broccoli and allow to cool.
  • Cut the bacon slices into smaller pieces and fry them in a pan until golden brown.
  • Preheat the oven to 250 degrees Celsius and lubricate the frying pan.
  • Meanwhile, beat the eggs with flour, cream and milk. Mix well and add a little salt, mustard and grated cheese.
  • Finally, chop the broccoli, pour the mixture you just prepared on top of it and mix well. After pouring the whole mixture into the frying pan, sprinkle a little grated cheese on top and bake in the oven for 30 minutes.

2. Broccoli frittata

This is another delicious way to make broccoli. Frittata is very easy to make and you will like its flavor for sure.


  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 200 g of broccoli
  • 2 red peppers
  • 5 medium-sized eggs
  • 200 g grated cheese
  • 1 tablespoon butter
  • 350 ml of milk


  • First cook the broccoli in a small saucepan. Strain off any remaining water.
  • Preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius.
  • Beat the eggs with the milk in a saucepan.
  • Add chopped peppers, chopped broccoli, salt and some cheese.
  • Heat the mixture on low heat for 5 minutes.
  • Remove from the heat and place in an ovenproof dish. Do not keep in the oven for more than 15 minutes.

3. Classic broccoli chicken salad

you can prepare broccoli with chicken

Salads are a bit worn out idea, but they are very healthy and contain less meat, except chicken and turkey.

The idea of ​​the next recipe is to combine as many nutrients as possible in the same meal, without compromising on flavor. The chicken gives the desired flavor to the salad.


  • 2 red peppers
  • 2 branches of spring onions
  • 1 tablespoon curry
  • 200 g of broccoli
  • 1 tablespoon garlic powder
  • 1 large chicken breast
  • 1 onion, chopped


  • First boil the broccoli, strain and set aside.
  • Fry the chicken breast in a vegetable oil until golden brown with salt, spring onion, curry and garlic.
  • Sauté the onions and red peppers in another pan. The vegetables should be sounded well (so that they emit an aroma to the tongue of water).
  • We recommend serving this salad warm with a good wine.

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