14 Reasons Why Gums Bleed When Brushing Teeth

Do your gums bleed when you brush your teeth? Learn 14 reasons why this happens.
14 reasons why gums bleed when brushing teeth

Have you suddenly noticed that your gums are bleeding when you brush your teeth? This is very common. If it hasn’t happened to you yet, you should know it can happen at any time.

There are several reasons why gums bleed. However, the main reason is that you do not take proper care of the health of your mouth.

Your mouth has a large stock of buttocks and bacteria, so it is recommended:

  • Change the toothbrush often.
  • Use dental floss  to remove residue left between your teeth.
  • See your dentist at least once a year.

Bleeding from the gums is quite common, although it may not seem like it.

If you notice that your gums are bleeding when you bite or see blood spitting after brushing your teeth, this is a sign that something is wrong with your gums.

When you have healthy gums, they do not bleed.  However, it is likely that this symptom will be ignored and downplayed. Unfortunately, you may end up losing some teeth if you don’t pay attention to your gums.

Below you will find the main reasons why your gums bleed:

1. Gums usually bleed as a result of gingivitis

Gingivitis is one of the most common reasons why gums bleed. This condition is due to  weakening of the gums and inflammation that follows with plaque buildup.

The most effective treatment for this problem is to improve your oral hygiene. 

2. Vitamin K deficiency

Lack of vitamin K causes the gums to bleed. This vitamin is necessary to ensure the proper functioning of the proteins involved in the blood clotting process. 

3. Smoking

smoking bleeding gums

Heavy smoking  causes damage to the teeth and nullifies oral treatments. 

If you smoke, you will probably see your gums bleeding when you eat hard foods or brush your teeth.

If you are starting to notice a problem, it may just be a sign of future bigger problems.

4. Age

In this case, the bleeding gums are normal up to a certain point. The older you are, the more likely your gums will bleed. 

5. Diabetes

diabetes devices

If you have diabetes, it is normal for your gums to bleed (up to a certain point).

Usually this occurs when you brush your teeth very aggressively or with a toothbrush with very hard bristles. 

Make sure you brush your teeth gently and make sure your toothbrush has soft bristles. If you have any questions, talk to your dentist.

6. Poor nutrition

Lack of essential nutrients in the body, as well as a lack of important vitamins such as vitamins A, B and C,  can cause your gums to weaken and as a result, they can bleed.

It is important that you make sure you eat a varied and healthy diet. If you think you’re not doing this right now, then it’s time to eat more fruits and vegetables.

7. Certain medicines


Sometimes people who are under constant medical treatment may suffer from bleeding gums.

This is because certain drugs reduce the secretion of saliva, which causes certain bacteria to become more susceptible to rebirth. 

If you find that your gums are bleeding and you have just started a new course of medication, ask your doctor or dentist if these factors could be related.

If they are related, you can ask for another medication if your treatment is very long. You can also use up your current course of medication if you only need to take them for a few days.

8. Stress

While you may not believe this, stress can make your gums weaken  and cause them to bleed because your resistance has decreased.

Ideally, you should look for options for relaxation  as you begin to experience that stress is getting you to your limits.

9. Absence of tooth parts

When you are missing teeth, you are not biting orthodox. This causes uneven friction on the teeth, which affects the gums.  This in turn causes the gums to bleed.

If this is the case, discuss with your dentist the replacement of missing teeth with resin or the material you want.

10. Low defense system

defense system

The body tends to give in to a number of diseases when it does not have sufficient resistance.

Some health problems such as anemia may be the reason why your gums bleed (due to an increase in bacteria). 

11. Lack of dental visits

If your mouth is not checked regularly, you will not be diagnosed early enough and problems will not be addressed as soon as they occur.

A visit to the dentist to remove plaque is very important for your  overall health.

12. Inflammation of the mouth

Remember that saliva is the source of bacterial transmission. Be careful who you kiss to avoid bacterial  problems that cause inflammation and gum damage.

13. Pregnancy

pregnant pregnancy bleeding gums

Pregnancy is one reason why your gums may bleed. While pregnancy is a normal condition, it can cause huge changes in your body. Your doctor will tell you how to proceed.

14. Poor dental care

Did you go to the dentist and then your gums started to bleed? This happens when dental care or tooth replacement is done poorly or when tooth cleaning is done very aggressively. 

Visit your dentist to fix the problem or get another dentist.

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