11 Ways To Use Toothpaste

Did you know that toothpaste is a great product for removing odors from your hands? For example, the strong odor left by garlic or onions can be effectively removed by using a little toothpaste.
11 ways to use toothpaste

Toothpaste is a basic product for personal hygiene that is used by almost everyone on a daily basis. Over the years, it has changed so that today toothpaste is a very effective bactericide remover. These bacteria can accumulate in the mouth and adversely affect human health. Many different toothpastes are available today to meet the different needs of consumers and to protect against a wide range of oral diseases.

However, toothpaste is not just a product for oral and oral hygiene, as the tube you keep in your bathroom cabinet can be used in many other ways in the many chores of your home. In this article, we tell you about  12 surprising ways to use toothpaste in a variety of household chores.

This is how you use toothpaste to remove ink stains

You can use toothpaste to remove ink stains from your clothes.

Children easily express their creativity, and this is often a by-product of hard-to-leave stains on clothes. Indeed, favorite clothes can be ruined by pen ink and different colors, as can carpets, walls, and other surfaces. Such stains are sometimes really hard to get rid of, but they can be greatly facilitated by  putting a little toothpaste on that area and letting it work for a few minutes. Stains can then be removed with a soft sponge.

Prevent mirrors from fogging up

After taking a shower, steam from heat and moisture may make your mirror foggy, and you will no longer see your image properly when you try to put makeup on your face, for example. To avoid this phenomenon, rub a little toothpaste on the surface of the mirror.

Polish the metals

If you need to polish metal parts in your kitchen or bathroom, this is much easier with toothpaste. It makes metal parts shiny and disinfects them. Just rub the toothpaste on the surface of those parts and leave on for a few minutes.

Nail cleaning

You can clean your nails with toothpaste.

Your nails collect all kinds of dirt underneath, and this happens no matter what kind of work you do. If you want to keep your nails clean and make sure you don’t accumulate too much bacteria,  use a little toothpaste. That’s it! The result is clean nails.

Odor removal

If you have a strong odor on your hands as a result of handling garlic, onions, or some other similar unpleasant-smelling food, rub a little toothpaste into your hands and you may notice the odors disappearing.

Jewelry cleaning

Jewelry cleaning with toothpaste.

The ingredients of the toothpaste are excellent for cleaning and polishing jewelery, and the same goes for metal objects. So rub a little toothpaste into your jewelry, and then rinse them with warm water.

DVD maintenance

Over time, and if you haven’t taken special care of your DVDs and CDs, they can become scratched and eventually maybe so worn out that they no longer work at all. One way to maintain such discs is to rub them with a soft cloth with toothpaste.

Car maintenance

A small amount of toothpaste is also suitable for scratches on the car’s paint – if its color matches your paint.

Wounds, burns and bites

Toothpaste can relieve the pain and irritation caused by bites.

It’s always a good idea to keep a little toothpaste space in your first aid kit, as its  refreshing effect on the skin is a great help in relieving pain from burns, bites and wounds, and can also be used to reduce the discomfort caused by some rashes.

Piano cleaning

Exposure to dust and other similar factors, as well as grease in your hands, will cause your piano to lose its luster and turn yellow. To protect the beauty of the white surface of your piano keyboards, polish it with toothpaste.

Pet odor removal

The smell of a pet is not always pleasant, and it can be difficult to find the right product to remove it effectively. Here, too, you can use toothpaste, because if you dilute it with water and spray it on your pet’s turkey, you get a reduced odor conveniently and cheaply. You can also add toothpaste to the bath water and then wash your pet’s fur with normal detergent.

So there are many other uses for toothpaste than the most obvious – so try these 12 convenient ways and use toothpaste for different tasks in your home!

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